Original Concept Sketch - Metaluna Mutant Horror Mystery Mini

Original concept sketch - metaluna mutant horror mystery mini


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I designed about a gazillion Mystery Minis back in the day. This is one of them. Original hand-drawn concept from when I was originally working on the project.

Paper size is approximately 8.5”x7”. Blue pencil and ink on tracing paper.


This is an original, hand drawn, one-of-a-kind concept sketch. These were done with whatever materials I had at hand at the time. They have lived in sketchbooks, on shelves, crammed in books, shoved in backpacks, traveled the world in some cases, chilled in my garage for years, etc. So some pages may have rough edges, creases, coffee stains, and whatnot. Many are just torn out of spiral sketchbooks and still have the little paper nubbies on them. Some of the pencil is smudged. They are not pristine. Be cool with that.

Please look at the pictures carefully! What you see is what you get!

Some are done on drawing paper, some on tracing paper, some in pen, some in pencil, some in a mix of all of the above. These were done however the job needed it to be done at the time. All are signed by the artist (ie. me).

They will be shipped in a protective sealed plastic bag inside of a rigid mailer. Not responsible if the mailman decides to sit on it, or fold it into a paper airplane, or you have a weird mailbox, or it’s raining in your area the day it gets delivered, or whatever. I do my best to protect the artwork.

No returns. US orders only. If you live outside of the US and would like one, email me at [email protected] and we can work something out.

Please do not contact me with requests. These were drawn in the past, and I drew what I was told to draw. If you don’t see your favorite character, it’s probably because I either didn’t draw it, or I drew it after I went totally digital. No “Do you have any of this character?! PLEEEAAAASE?!” What you see is what I have available.

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